
Examples 2.0 - Cloverleaf route


The bus traces out the outline of a cloverleaf shape with three petals. All vehicle journeys have the same timings.

  • Multiple routes composed of shared route sections.
  • Multiple journey patterns composed of shared journey pattern sections.
  • Visiting the same stop more than once within the same route.
  • Dynamic destination displays.
  • Short Working.

Published as: PDF

Route Map



Bus Station to Bus Station

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5
2 2 2 2 2
Petal 1 Bus Station - 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00
High St - 11:03 12:03 13:03 14:03
Market St - 11:07 12:07 13:07 14:07
Petal 2 Bus Station - 11:20 12:20 13:20 14:20
School - 11:29 12:29 - -
Hospital - 11:48 12:48 - -
Petal 3 Bus Station 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:20 -
Library 11:19 12:19 13:19 13:39 -
Bus Station 11:31 12:31 13:31 13:51 -

The XML Representation

XML Document

Service Registration

  • The service is not registered.
  • There is a single Operator.

Service Structure

  • There is a single Service instance SV1, whose routes are all labelled as one Line - '2'.
  • There are three RouteSection instances, one for each leaf of the clover:
    • RS1, has three links between (L1) Bus Station to High Street, (L2) High Street to Market Street, (L4) Market Street to Bus Station.
    • RS2, has three links between (L1) Bus Station to School, (L3) School to Hospital, (L5) Hospital to Bus Station.
    • RS3, has two links between (L1) Bus Station to Library, and (L6) Library to Bus Station.
  • There are five routes Route instances defined:
    • R1, R2, R3, each with a single section (RS1,RS2, RS3 respectively) describing a single petal. (R2 is not actually used).
    • R4 visits the first and third petals only (RS1 & RS3).
    • R5 describes a route round all three petals, reusing the three sections (RS1,RS2, RS3) in succession.
  • There are three JourneyPatternSection instances JS1, JS2, and JS3, corresponding to the three RouteSection instances, with corresponding journey pattern timing links.
  • There are five JourneyPatterns, JP1 - JP5, composed from the JourneyPatternSection instances in the same way the routes are composed from the route sections.
  • There are five VehicleJourney instances, one for each column:
    • VJ1 starting at 11:00 (column #1), references JP3 for its links, to run round the third petal.
    • VJ2, starting at 11:00 (column #2), references JP5 for its links and so has eight vehicle journey timing links, corresponding to all eight journey pattern links,
    • VJ3, starting at 12:00 (column #3), references VJ2 for its links, specifying only a different start time.
    • VJ4 starting at 13:00 (column #4), references JP4 for its links, to run over the first and third petals.
    • VJ5 starting at 11:00 (column #5), references JP1 for its links, running over just the first petal.

Operational Data

  • The DynamicDestinationDisplay is specified to change on certain links of the Journey pattern so that the heading changes between the outward and inward link, for instance for petal 1 at Bus Station and High Street it shows 'Market Street, but at Market Street, it shows 'Bus Station'.

Alternative XML Representation

Vehicle Journeys #1 & #5 could also be coded to use the same Route & Journey pattern as Vehicle Journey #2 , using start and end Dead Runs to indicate short workings for the route. R1, R5, JP1, JP5 would then not be needed.

Page last updated: 2005/11/01

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